Vertrauenskommunikation – Trust Communication

Recent scandals tell us not to trust anybody or anything:  banks fail, poisoned food, bullying at work or fake news worldwide do not allow us to trust anymore. However, Angela Merkel herself said once in the news: the most important currency is trust! So what can we do nowadays to become trustworthy? When selling a new product or managing employees, we need trust since we build all our relationships on trust – but how can we build trust? One decisive tool is trust communication. When you are able to communicate trustful, you will be trusted by others. Thus, managers in all fields (e.g. Human Resources, Organizational Behavior or, Information Technology) have to understand how they can use their words and habits to be seen as trustworthy.

My research shows what you have to do when you want that others perceive you to be trustworthy. Communication can be very easy but is able to destroy every relationship when you do not pay attention.


How I can help you?

Evidence Summaries: brief and focused summaries of evidence in response to specific request about trust communication. Focused on practical implications.

Analyses: My team and I analyze primary and secondary data from your organization with qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Evaluations: What is your trust level? Where can you improve trust in your company and how can you do this? My team and I offer realistic and partial solutions based on our specific toolkits.

Trainings/Workshops: I offer workshops for building trust in your company and engaging employees. My team and I bring both academic and professional experience to deliver practice support.

Collaborations: I work with academics and professional bodies across the globe. I can offer access to this network of experience or academic and business needs.

Prof. Dr. Ann-Marie Nienaber
Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behavior

Head of Research Group: Trust and Workplaces

Coventry University, United Kingdom
(Modern University of the Year 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations