
Horizon (2016-2020) SUITS – Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems:
Transferable tools for local authorities – Horizon 2020 MG2015 lead by Prof. Andree Woodstock

My project role:
Workpackage leader, responsibility around Euro 150,000 (grant in total: Euro 4,000,000)


Nienaber A. (2017-2018) – together with Dr. Rose Narooz (Glasgow University): Overcoming Deficiencies through Trustworthy Networks: A Comparative Study between UK and Egypt Experiences in the Healthcare Sector; Newton Advanced Fellowship/ British Academy; £ 36,870


Nienaber, A. (2016-2018) – together with Prof. Dr. Nazli Wasti (Middle East Technical University, Turkey): Distrust in entrepreneurial networks: Design of Toolkits of Trust Building Mechanisms to Support Collaborative Innovation across High-Tech SMEs based in Technoparks – a comparative study; Newton Institutional Link/British Council; £92,345.


Nienaber, A. (2016) Fellowship Fund for collaborations with Technical University Vienna, Austria, £5,200


Nienaber, A.: (2014) British Academy BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants: Organizational Performance as dependent variable: A second order meta-analysis and meta-regression (SG123967): £3,700


Prof. Dr. Ann-Marie Nienaber
Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behavior

Head of Research Group: Trust and Workplaces

Coventry University, United Kingdom
(Modern University of the Year 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations